Welcome to a Tour of Google Berlin and a night out with Krouli 

On November 7 and 8 2023, Google is hosting the Google Meet Hardware and Voice Summit in Berlin.
Please join us for an informal pre-event at the Google Berlin Office on Monday November 6.

We will give you some insights on the Chrome Browser and Google Meet as well as an exclusive tour of the Google Office.

Please make sure to register below.

Typography is the art and technique

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).

Tour the Google Berlin Office

Google Berlin builds on Allford Hall Monaghan Morris’ previous work with Google in London, and is the practice's first overseas project to be completed for the company.

The existing building was constructed as part of the women’s hospital in 1883 by Martin Gropius and Heino Schmieden, before suffering serious damage during World War II.


Read more on the project here: https://www.ahmm.co.uk/projects/office/google-berlin/


Monday November 6 - Google Office Berlin

14:45    Coffee and registration
15:00    Welcome and introduction by Magnus Bäckström, CEO Krouli
15:15    Chrome and Google Meet, Hjalmar Lundin - Dach & Nordic Lead Chrome
15:45    Google Berlin Office Tour hosted by Mark Grady, Google Meet Hardware

16:30    Mondays by Krouli
              Cocktails and Refreshments at Meisterschuler Bar
              Friedrichstraße 105b, 10117 Berlin, Germany



Want to join the Google Meet and Voice Summit in Berlin?

To register for the Google Meet and Voice Summit, you need an invitation. Please send us an email to sales@krouli.com and we will make sure you get your invitation.